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Cuba recalls Fidel at six years of his physical disappearance

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Cuba suffered, on November 25, 2016, one of the deepest and most enduring pains after the death of its historic leader Fidel Castro Ruz, and it was then, heard along Cuban island, from millions of  Cuban hearts: “Yo soy Fidel” (I am Fidel).

Six years after the physical disappearance of the Commander in Chief, paradigm of the Cuban Revolution, it can be assured – without fear of mistake – that his legacy and example live on Cuban people.

Fidel lives in the continuity of the revolutionary process, in its constant and unstoppable renewal, in the new initiatives that are deployed, in the invariable solidarity with the most noble causes, in the tireless work to make socialism a certainty.

He is present in every action in favor of the economy and services, in the efforts to advance despite the inhumane economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States more than sixty years ago, which includes the most insane measures to see this people on their knees, which will never happen.

Six years after the physical disappearance of the Commander in Chief, it can be reaffirmed that Fidel lives and will live eternally in the heart of every revolutionary who continues the struggle and is inspired by his example.

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