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32nd Caravan of Pastors for Peace visits Cienfuegos

Llega a Cienfuegos caravana 32 de Pastores por la Paz
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The province of Cienfuegos received this Sunday 24, the thirty-second Caravan of Pastors for Peace, to participate in various activities and in the central act for July 26, National Rebellion Day.

Gail Walker, executive director of the Interreligious Foundation for the Community Organization IFCO/Pastors for PEACE, reiterated the condemnation of the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

She stated that she was pleased to return to the province of Cienfuegos together with the Caravan, and to be here on such an important date for Cuba as July 26, the 69th anniversary of the assaults on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Cespedes barracks.

Radio Ciudad del Mar indicated that Reverend Raul Suarez, founder of the Martin Luther King Memorial Center, evoked the beginnings of the Pastors for Peace Caravan project, promoted by the North American Reverend Lucius Walker.

Samira Addrey, an American doctor graduated from the Latin American School of Medicine and coordinator of IFCO/Pastors for Peace, also thanked Cienfuegos for welcoming the Pastors for Peace Caravan, made up of more than 70 people.

Starting in 1992, each of the 31 Pastors for Peace caravans represents a symbol of love and solidarity towards Cuba.

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